Thursday, November 30, 2006



Povo tomak iha Timor laran!
População iha Dili!
Inan-Aman Sira!
Juventude Loriko Aswain!
Sociedade tomak!
Hodi órgãos soberania, nebé hamutuk daudauk iha né nia naran, haraik-an ba
Povo hodi husu desculpa wa’in, kona ba ami ukun-na’in sira, hahú husi Presidente da
República, nia hahalok ukun nian, nebé ladun lós, hodi hamosu crise ida né!
Tamba ami husik monu hela ba imi tomak, consequências nebé imi hetan,
durante fulan nen, iha terus, iha ta’uk no matan-ben nia laran.
Ami hatene, ami sala! Ami nia sala, mak dait tiha ba imi hotu, ba katuas no ferik
sira, ba boot no, liuliu, warikoan sira!
Ami nia sala mós, mak dait tiha ba F-FDTL no PNTL!
Ita hotu buka daudauk malu, atu harí fali dame iha ita nia Rain doben ida né!
Bain-hira F-FDTL no PNTL buka hela malu atu dame no simu malu fali, ami,
tuir dever ami nian, facilita deit encontros entre instituisaun rua né, to’o ikus mai, iha loron sanulu resin lima, kotuk ba, hodi sira nia hakarak rasik, sira mai apresenta-an hamutuk ba Órgãos de Soberania nia oin no ba Povo tomak, katak sira pronto fali ona atu hal’ao sira nia serbisu, hametin estabilidade, ba ita hotu no povo tomak nia diak.

Hodi Órgãos Soberania nia naran, ha’u hakarak hato’o ami nia apreço boot tebetebes
ba Jovens sira, nebé iha lorokraik ida nebá, lori ai-funan ba fahe ba ita nia forças
rua, F-FDTL no PNTL, no fo abraço boot teb-tebes mos ba jovem sira no inan-feton
nian, simu malu ho dame iha loron bain-hira sunu lilin.
Ami hakarak fo sai, iha ocasião ida né, ami nia louvor ba sira, ba jovens sira, ba
imi nia oan sira, nebé hanoin kona ba acto simples ida, maibé ho nia valor maka’as

Povo tomak
População iha Dili Jovens sira
Udan besik atu monu rai ona! Ami hatene preocupação nebé ita hotu iha, kona
ba maluk deslocados sira!

Tan né, mak ami, ohin iha né, hakarak fo sai ba Povu tomak, katak ita hotu tenki
hamutuk hodi TANE fali ita nia Rain!
Ita hotu tenki loke laran ba malu, fo liman ba malu fali, hodi kuda fila fali
estabilidade nebé ita lakon tiha, nuné ita hotu bele tur hakmatek, hodi serbisu hamutuk!
Ohin, ita precisa tebe-tebes atu rona malu, atu fiar malu!
Ami hatene, maluk balun sei laran todan hela! Ami hatene, F-FDTL mós hatene,
katak iha fatin balun, imi sei hirus! Nuné mós, ami hatene, PNTL mos hatene, katak iha fatin seluk, imi balun sei hirus!

Ita labele resolve buat hotuhotu, dala ida deit! Maibé, ami, Órgãos de Soberania,
ho F-FDTL no PNTL, ami haraik-an ba imi hotu, hodi husu atu soe tiha hirus né!
Ho hirus malu nafatin, ita sei labele hamutuk atu hadi’a situação ida né! Ita hotu
bele kaer nafatin buat nebé halo sala tiha ona, atu koalia ba malu, hodi ita hotu bele hadi’a! Mas lalika ho hirus, labele tan ho fuan moras!
Hirus ne, mak halo ita hotu kaer hahalok nebé ladun diak, hodi haksobu malu no
tur la metin, iha fulan nen nia laran!

Oras to’o ona, atu tau ba sorin buat sira ne hotu! Ita hotu tenki badame, hodi
haburas reconsiliação iha ita nia let, nudar imi hahú daun-daun!
Reconciliação sei la halakon, sei la taka erros nebé halo tiha ona! Maibé
reconciliação hadia ita nia fuan, hadia ita nia aten, fo brani ba ita atu perdoa malu!

Reconciliação mak sei lori ita, atu bele haré ba malu, matan ba matan! Atu ko’alia
ba malu, hanesan Maromak nia oan! Atu fo liman ba malu, hanesan criatura nebé, iha
loron ida, sei precisa malu.
Maluk Doben sira!

Ami, Órgãos Soberania, hanoin katak, semana mai né, hahú Segunda-feira, loron
ruanulu fulan Novembro né, deslocados sira hotu, tenki fila hikas ba uma!
Membros F-FDTL no PNTL, hamutuk, sei servisu ho Programa Simu Malu,
husi Governo, no Comissão Diálogo ba Reintegração Comunitária, ho mos ho
Organizações Humanitárias ONU nian, hanesan IOM no UNHCR, atu hala’o
processo evacuação husi centros deslocados sira ba ida-idak nia fatin.
Ita hotu tenki hamutuk iha processo ida né, hodi evita problema boot liu, bainhira
udan monu rai!
Deslocados sira lalika ta’uk, katak comunidade sira sei la simu. Jovens, husi
Comissão Diálogo ba Reintegração Comunitária preparados iha bairros ida-idak atu
hala’u servisu reconciliação ninian.
Deslocados sira lalika laran susar, tamba karik uma la iha atu hela. Maluk sira
husi Programa Simu Malu, Governo nian, sei iha nebá atu haré kona ba ida né. Ami,
Orgãos Soberania, halo apelo especial ida ba Membros Parlamento karik, Membros
Governo nian karik, funcionários sira karik, atu fo exemplo, iha Centros sira nebé sira hela bá, atu hahú muda husi imi. Imi mak tenki uluk, hodi população tuir.
Membros F-FDTL no PNTL nian, nebé sei destaca ba bairro ida-idak, hamutuk
ho Jovens sira iha bairro nia laran, sei kadó ai hamutuk, sei taka kalén hamutuk, hodi nuné, uma nia kakuluk iha kedas ona, hodi hamahon netik, bain-hira udan monu rai.

Sira sei serbisu hamutuk nafatin, hodi haré ba oda-matan sira ka janela sira, hodi nuné,família ida bele tama ba uma-laran, hela daudauk ona.
Opções sira nebé, Governo hato’o tiha ona, ne hotu sei considera hamutuk, hodi
bele hetan sucesso nebé diak, ba ema ka família nudar individual, ba mós comunidade
tomak. Maibé, opções sira né, sei discute iha nebá, iha bairros, la ós ona iha Centros Deslocados.

Povo tomak
População iha Dili laran
Jovens sira tomak
Ita hotu haka’as an hamutuk, hadi’a tiha fali ita nia Rain, haburas cometimento
ba dame, halakon ódio no vingansa, hodi hamrik fila fali, nudar Estado independente
no soberano ida, nebé merece respeito husi Rai liur.
Nudar Estado no nudar Povo, ita sidi duni, ita monu, kanek oitoan, moras
oitoan, maibé seidauk mate, nudar Estado, seidauk lakon nudar Povo.
Oras to’o ona, atu hotuhotu hamrik fila fali, nudar Povo ida deit iha Rai ida deit!
Ita sei bele hatudu ba mundu, katak ita hotu recupera fila fali ita nia dignidade!
Dignidade Povo Aswain ida, Dignidade Povo nebé hadomi duni DAME!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Alkatiri Attacks Australian Interference In Timor

Alkatiri Attacks Australian Interference In Timor

AIM (Moçambique) - Friday 24/11/2006

Maputo, 24 Nov (AIM) - The former prime minister
of East Timor, Mari Alkatiri, on a private visit
to Mozambique, has accused the Australian
government of interference in Timorese internal affairs.

Despite the fact that he leads the Timorese
liberation movement Fretilin (Revolutionary Front
for an Independent East Timor), which remains the
country's largest and most popular political
party, Alkatiri was forced to resign earlier this
year in what has been described as "a constitutional coup d'etat".

The immediate cause of the violence that wracked
East Timor in late May was a mutiny by Timorese
troops who had been sacked from the armed forces
and were led by a man who had played no role in
the struggle against Indonesian occupation, but
spent the years of war in comfortable exile in Australia.

The violence was used as an excuse to destabilise
the Timorese government and remove Alkatiri,
bitterly disliked in the Australian establishment
because of his tough (and successful) negotiating
stance over the oil reserves under the Timor Sea.

Alkatiri lived in exile in Maputo for many years,
and has returned to see old friends. In an
interview published in Friday's issue of the
independent weekly "Savana", Alkatiri stressed
his belief that there had been an Australian hand in forcing his resignation.

Over the previous year and a half, he noted, the
Australian media "launched a deliberate campaign
to denigrate the image of the Timorese government
and of Fretilin in general, and my image in particular".

At the height of the May/June crisis, Australia's
right-wing prime minister John Howard, Alkatiri
added, "was the only political leader who
declared that he wanted me to resign, in a clear
act of interference in the internal affairs of Timor".

Clearly the oil negotiations were a weighty
factor behind this. "The negotiations were
tough", said Alkatiri, "and I strongly defended
Timorese interests. In one block, we got rights
to 90 per cent, when initially we had only been
allocated 50 per cent, and in another we got 50
per cent instead of the initial offer of 18 per cent".

Asked about the role of the Catholic Church, the
religion followed by most Timorese, Alkatiri
replied "I don't much like to talk about the
church as an institution, but it's a fact that
part of the hierarchy was militantly opposed to the government".

"I have no doubts in stating that the Catholic
Church played the role of an opposition,
organising demonstrations for two or three weeks", he added.

A complicating factor is that Alkatiri himself is
not a christian, but comes from a moslem family.
"I admit that the fact that I'm a moslem, in an
overwhelmingly catholic country, may be difficult
for some catholic sectors to accept", he said.

As for the trumped-up charges that Alkatiri had
distributed guns to civilians, the UN's
commission of inquiry had found no proof, but
nonetheless recommended continued investigation.

Alkatiri was not surprised, and regarded this as
a way to save the face of those Timorese
politicians, notably President Xanana Gusmao, who
had forced his resignation. "The way the UN
report was presented shows clearly they don't
want to affectthose in power", he said. For if
the UN had clearly stated there was no basis for
the accusations against him, "then what would the
position of the President have looked like, since
he asked for my resignation precisely because of those charges ?"

Alkatiri dismissed rumours that he had come to
Mozambique to escape Timorese justice. He had
told the Attorney-General in advance of his
travel plans, and he had given him his contact numbers.

Furthermore, Alkatiri remains in regular contact
with the man who replaced him as Prime Minister,
Jose Ramos-Horta. "In Timor, we meet once a
week", he said. "When I'm abroad, we speak regularly on the phone".

Fretilin had given Ramos-Horta's government its
backing. Ramos-Horta had inherited the Alkatiri
government's ambitious plans, but Alkatiri
thought he had been "unable to define clearly the
difficulties and tackle them frontally".

In particular, Ramos-Horta had not re-established
law and order, and the authority of the state, or
solved the problems of those displaced in the
May-June fighting. "That should have been a
priority, and it wasn't", said Alkatiri.

He was sharply critical of Gusmao. Although he
did not believe the President was initially
involved in the plans to topple the Alkatiri
government, he came on board later, and showed
"the unjustifiable hatred he has for Fretilin".

Alkatiri admitted the key role that Gusmao played
in the resistance to Indonesian occupation,
following the death of Fretilin's first leader,
Nicolau Lobato. Gusmao introduced a new style of
leadership, very much centred on his own person -
and in the dark years of the 1980s, Alkatiri
admitted, this worked and the resistance
survived. Gusmao was the de facto leader of
Fretilin, even when he formally separated himself from the party.

But when independence came, the situation was
radically changed. Fretilin reorganised, and
Gusmao was outside of the party structures.

"President Xanana's great problem is that he has
lost the leadership of Fretilin", said Alkatiri.
"You can't try to lead a party if you are outside
of it. Only those who are prepared to subordinate
themselves to Fretilin structures can lead
Fretilin. What the President wants is, at the
least, irrational. That was where our quarrels began".

Alkatiri said he did not want to be Fretilin's
candidate for prime minister at the next
elections. Instead, he would prefer to work to build up the party.

Friday, November 24, 2006

More reconciliation among leaders needed, says int'l mediation body

More reconciliation among leaders needed, says int'l mediation body

Dili, Nov. 22 (Lusa) - East Timor's leaders are still not prepared to meet
at short notice to resolve political and social problems that emerge as the
new nation slowly recovers from this year's deadly turmoil, an
international organization working for reconciliation in the Asian state
said Wednesday.

Former Latvian President Valdis Birkavs, coordinator of the Club of
Madrid's efforts to promote dialogue in Timor, said he was concerned that
despite recent peace rallies organized by Timorese youth groups and a
symbolic joint parade by the police and army units, little evidence exists
that parallel reconciliation moves have been made by Dili's leaders and
main political parties.

Resolving Timor's political instability calls for "common efforts", said
Birkavs, noting that his own country went through periods of
post-independence turmoil before managing to consolidate democracy.

The role of Timor's leaders in bringing lasting political stability to the
four-year-old nation is crucial, said Birkavs, adding hypothetically that
if he was one of Dili's leader, his "first concern would be to talk to
everyone and act immediately".

"But this dialogue must lead to action. Action and more action", stressed
the ex-Latvian leader.

Bircavs recalled a conversation he recently had with Timor's minister of
state and public administration, Ana Pessoa, who argued that work is more
important that words.

"I told Ana Pessoa that work is much more important than words. But words
give hope and encourage people".

Birkavs was speaking at a meeting of Timorese government ministers, MPs,
political and church leaders and heads of the army and police forces
organized by President Xanana Gusmao and aimed to uncover the causes behind
Timor's recent crisis and those to blame for it.

A presidential communique said the conclusions of the meeting would be made
public at a future date.

The Club of Madrid is an independent organization comprising nearly 70
former heads of government and state whose aim is to contribute to
strengthening democracy worldwide.


Timor-Leste is in the List of "Flawed Democracy"

23/11: Malaysia 81 on list of flawed democracies
Category: General Posted by: Raja Petra
Jacqueline Ann Surin
The Sun

Malaysia is a "flawed democracy" and falls nearly at the bottom of the list, below Mongolia, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Indonesia, Timor Leste and Palestine in a new Democracy Index developed by the Economist Intelligence Unit.

The index, which is available in The Economist's annual publication The World in 2007, grades 167 countries out of 192 independent states according to their degree of democracy.

The index looks at 60 indicators across the five categories of electoral process and pluralism, civil liberties, the functioning of government, political participation, and political culture.

Countries are spread across four regime types Ð full democracies (28 countries), flawed democracies (54), hybrid regimes (30) and authoritarian regimes (55).

"Sweden leads the pack with a near-perfect score followed closely by Iceland and the Netherlands.

"By contrast, the United States (ranked 17th), Britain (23rd) and France (24th) are near the bottom of the full democracy category," a press statement from The Economist said.

South Africa leads the "flawed democracy" category at 29th position, followed by South Korea at 31, Taiwan 32, India 35, Mongolia 56, Sri Lanka 57, the Philippines 63, Indonesia 65, Timor Leste 65, Bangladesh 75, Hongkong 78 and Palestine 79.

Malaysia ranks 81, sharing the spot with Bolivia at the bottom of the category.

The statement said "flawed democracies" were concentrated in Latin America and eastern Europe.

"Many of these countries remain fragile democracies. Levels of political participation are generally very low and democratic cultures are weak," it said.

Malaysia, however, remains ahead of Singapore (84), Thailand (90) and Cambodia (105) which fall under the "hybrid regimes" category, of which Iraq (112) anchors.

Pakistan (113) tops the list of "authoritarian regimes" while North Korea ranks last. In between are China (138), Vietnam (145), Laos (155) and Myanmar (163).

The Economist said more than half of the world's population lived in a democracy of some sort, although only 13% reside in full democracies.

"Despite the advances in democracy in recent decades, almost 40% of the world's population still live under authoritarian rule," it said.

It added that after decades of progress, the most recent global trends in democratisation have been negative, signalling a pause in the spread of democracy.

Informacao sobre seguranca iha Dili


This is a broadcast of the UN Police in
Timor-Leste to provide you with information about
the security situation around the country

Friday, November 24th– PM

Following continued bouts of rock-fighting at
Obrigado IDP Camp, UNMIT has deployed Maylasian
UNPol officers to maintain calm. Two people were
detained under rock throwing charges.

Two incidents of burglary were reported in
Colmera and Mercado Lama. An assault on two
civil staff working for UNDP while walking in the
Metadoro area was reported. Both victims
received treatment for minor injuries at National Hospital and were discharged.

As of this security update, the outlying Districts remain calm.

Caicoli, Becora and Comoro Police Stations and
Bidau, Pentai Kalapa Airport Police Posts are
operating 24 hours, 7 days a week. Mercada Lama
and Hera police posts are operating from 7 am to
11 pm. The Seaport is functional from 9 am to 5 pm.

Please help to make your community a safer place
to live and enjoy. Report all incidents and
suspicious acts to UNPol. Remember to make it
clear to police operator where, when, how, who,
and what is taking place. UNPol can be contacted
24 hours, seven days week at 7230365.

This has been a daily broadcast of the UN Police
in Timor-Leste, for the people of Timor-Leste.

Esta emissão é da responsabilidade da Polícia das
Nações Unidas em Timor-Leste para lhe fornecer
informação actualizada sobre a situação em território nacional

Sexta - feira, 24 de Novembro

Após os contínuos ataques com arremesso de pedras
no campo de deslocados de Obrigado, a Polícia das
Naçoes Unidas garantiu através da presença da
força de polícia contituída da Malásia a
segurança e a tranqulidade no local. Foram aí
detidas duas pessoas por comportamento desordeiro.
Foram comunicados dois furtos em Colmera e
Mercado Lama. Em Matadoro foi registada uma
agressão a dois funcionários da UNDP, enquanto
estes caminhavam em direcção a casa na zona de
Matadoro. As dois vitímas receberam tratamento a
ferimentos de pouco gravidade no Hospital Nacional de Dili.
Até à hora desta emissão, os restantes distritos permaneceram calmos,

As Esquadras de Caicoli, Beccora e Comoro, bem
como os Postos de Bidau, Pentai Kelapa e
Aeroporto, encontram-se a funcionar 24 horas por dia, sete dias por semana.

Os postos de Mercado-Lama e Hera estão
operacionais entre as 07 da manhã e as 11 da
noite. O posto do Porto Maritimo está em funcionamento das 09 às 05 da tarde.
Por favor ajude-nos a tornar a sua comunidade num
lugar mais seguro para viver. Comunique todos os
incidentes e actos suspeitos a Polícia das Nacões
Unidas. Recordo-lhe que deve esclarecer a Polícia
do que esta a acontecer, onde, quando, quem e
como. A Polícia das NU pode ser contactada 24
horas/dia, 7 dias/semana, pelo telefone n. 7230365.

Esta emissao foi da responsabilidade da Polícia
das Nações Unidas em Timor-Leste para o povo de Timor-Leste.


Ne’e nu’udar anúnsiu hosi Polisia ONU nian iha
Timor-Leste atu hato’o ba ita boot sira
informasaun kona-ba situasaun seguransa iha rai laran

Sext-Feira, Loron 24, Fulan Novembru 2006- Lokraik

Hafoin kontinuasaun tuda fatuk iha Kampu
Obrigadu, UNMIT tau Ofisia Polisia Malasia sia
iha area neba hodi mantein kalma.

Iha insidente rua iha Colmera no Mercado Lama
kona-ba naok sasan. Tuir relatoriu, ema sivil
nain rua ne’ebé servisu ba UNDP hetan atake
wainhira lao hela iha area Matadouro. Ema nain
rua ne’e simu tratamentu kona kanek ne’ebé kiik
iha Hospital Nasional I fila hikas ba sira nia uma.

Wainhira fó sai aktualizasaun seguransa ida ne’e,
situasaun iha Distritu sira hanesan bainbain eh kalma hela.

Posto Polisia iha Caicoli, Becora, Comoro, Bidau,
Pantai Kepan, Airoporto funsiona hela oras 24 nia
laran, loron 7 iha seman ida nia laran. Posto
polisia iha Mercado Lama no Hera funsiona tuku 7
dader tó tuku 11 kalan. Posto ponte cais funsiona
tuku 9 dader tó tuku 5 lokraik.

Favor ajuda ita komunidade atu sai fati ida
ne’ebe ita bele moris hakmate. Ható insidente
sira eh aksaun suspeitu ba UNPOL. Keta haluhan
hodi ható ba operador polisia: iha ne’ebe,
bainhira, oinsa, se no fatin akontesimentu. Ita
bele kontaktu ba UNPOL liu husi telefone 7230365
oras 24 loron 7 iha semana ida nia laran.

Ne’e nu’udar anúnsiu diáriu Polisia ONU nian iha
Timor-Leste, ba povu Nasaun ida ne’e nian.